Monday, November 15, 2010

More updates....

Some time passed since I was able to update the blog. Not much has happened in that time, but here is a list of some of the events of the last few weeks. Future blogs may explore these events further, but a quick summary will have to do for now.

1. Dirpy Died
If you read this blog, you know that sometimes I recommend different websites that I find interesting. One of such sites was Dirpy was a useful site for downloading Youtube videos as mp3 files as a way to get free music. The site has recently been shut down and it does not appear to be coming back. Hopefully there are similar sites available on the web.  I'll keep you posted.

2. I saw The Social Network.

It was good. The writers did a good job to make such a young success story seem so dramatic. I thought the film was well acted and well directed. If you enjoy using Facebook, then you probably would enjoy watching this movie. And for my douchey remark of the day....just thought I should let you know that I was a member of Facebook when it was still called thefacebook.

3. I voted.
I voted in the midterm election. In the past, I had not bothered with midterm elections, but this time I felt it was important to have my voice heard. My choice for Gov. of California? Neither of the major party candidates. As much as I would love chiminichangas for lunch any day of the week, I went with a write in:  Pedro.

4. Halloween happened.
I have a long history with Halloween and it will be told in a blog to come later. We gave away apples when our candy ran out.

Coolest part about this photo- our front porch used to be carpeted.
5. My sister went to Italy
Nothing really significant about that, but she brought me back this handsome Italian tie and I thought that was just swell.

6. I started to clean my room.
More of a remodel than a cleaning, it was time for a change. The goal is to create a space where I am surrounded by the things I am passionate about. More info to come later....

7. I have not cut my hair.
It's growing out a bit for Fall. It's cheaper than buying a hat.

No plans on letting the beast out again any time soon, but for now we'll keep the clippers away.


  1. glad u are back to blogging...why are u so small in the halloween picture? and there is no way your hair is that long!!! my hair is shorter than that.

  2. Its good to be back. I used to be smaller. That picture was taken when I was....6? 7? My hair is not that long anymore. That picture was from a while back. I didn't cut my hair from March 18th 2008 to September 29th 2009.
