Thursday, November 18, 2010

Breakfast options.

For months now I have been working a job that requires me to wake up very early in order to be on time at 5-5:30am. By now, I have developed a morning routine that usually begins after three to four snoozes of the alarm clock. Give or take five minutes I'm usually in the shower by 4:30am. Getting dressed doesn't take much time at all so I usually have five minutes to check my e-mail or just space out for a few minutes.
Once I'm dressed it's time to eat. I've done some research and found that some of my co-workers do not eat any breakfast before work. There are two notable exceptions to this trend: "Salvador," who enjoys a cup of coffee and a piece of pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread) and "Joey," who claims to consume only a large glass of red wine before work to, "warm up my blood," according to him. I too choose to eat a meal in the morning. In fact, I'm starving the minute I wake from sleep.
My first meal of the day generally consists of a bowl of cereal, a banana, a protein shake, and sometimes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I sit down to watch Sportscenter, or whatever new infomercials are on, as I eat.
In order to be on time I must be out the door by 5:15am. However, lately I have been leaving earlier to allow time for a stop on my way to work. Over the last month or two I have fallen in to a bad habit of visiting the 24hr Donut shop that stands between my house and my workplace.
 It started with just coffee. The large size is by far the best value, but it's really just too much coffee to drink before it would begin to get cold. The small size is too small and a bad deal. I'm a medium size man. The problem with getting coffee at a Donut shop is the intoxicating smell of fried dough will wear down even the strongest of wills. I succumbed to the temptation one day and purchased a chocolate twist raised donut. Since that day, almost every time I enter that shop I'm leaving with a medium coffee and a chocolate twist donut.

You see, there is a nice Hispanic woman who works in the donut shop every morning around 5am. I have begun to frequent this establishment often enough that the woman certainly recognizes me. It has reached the point where my medium coffee is already poured and the chocolate twist is in the bag waiting for me by the time I've finished swinging the front door open. What have I done to deserve such service? I may have over-tipped one morning when, rather than taking the 85 cents change owed to me I casually gestured for her to keep it. Her pattern of service was quite appreciated the first few instances, but now I feel trapped by my predictable order. I admit there have been times that I did not want the donut, only the coffee. Other times have gone by where I may have preferred a cup of green tea or perhaps a maple bar. Maybe someday I'll want to try something else, something cool I've never even heard about. My desire to explore the menu seems to be hindered by the decisions of my past. It is not my wish to be rude and ask this nice woman to disregard the items she has already prepared for me. I understand her motivations have something to do with the fast paced environment of a donut shop in the early morning hours. Often times, there are several other customers who enter right behind me. If I were to explain to the donut woman that I no longer wish to purchase the same items each morning, it might delay the flow of the donut traffic to a degree I cannot fathom.
My options are clear to me. I can choose to never return to the donut shop and search for morning coffee somewhere else. I could also choose to visit the shop once in awhile and enjoy what I am given. Or, maybe I should order something completely different everyday for five days and hope that it establishes my reputation as a random order customer.


  1. I enjoyed this..not quite sure how i found my way onto this page...what is this site??? just a spot for you to Blog?
    -Jordyn Taylor (old golf buddy)

  2. It's my blog Jordyn.
